How do I get my free smoke/carbon monoxide detector(s) and home safety inspection?

Go to the Town/Gown Fire Safety Community Service Project page and sign up using the form. Someone will reply to you as soon as possible to schedule a day/time.

How old do I have to be to join?

To apply as a Junior Member, you must be at least 16 years old. To apply as a regular member, you must be at least 18 years old.

Do I need previous training or experience?

No. The LRFC will provide the training which you need. If you bring a willingness to learn and a can-do attitude, we’ll provide the rest.

What qualifications do I need before I apply?

The two major requirements are:

-A strong interest in serving your community and a willingness to learn.

-A background check clear of crimes.

*The rest of the specific requirements are covered in our application.

How long does it take to become a member, after submitting the application?

Once you submit an application for membership, it is publicly posted for the company to examine for one month. It will then be considered at the next monthly meeting. During the month it is posted, the LRFC will run a criminal background check on you and may call your references. If you pass the background check and the membership majority agrees to vote you in, then you become a member. 

Is there a probationary period?

6 months. The LRFC has discussed extending this to 1 year.

Do I have to be certified as both a firefighter and EMT?

No. Although many of our members are interested in being both a firefighter and an EMT, others decide that one is more appealing than the other and they focus on one over the other. It is also common to start with one and to add the other discipline later.

I was a firefighter somewhere else, does my training transfer?

The chief’s office will review your training records and let you know what additional classes may be needed. Expect at a minimum to undergo our orientation. In-house training is required for all members to help them become familiar with our operations and our equipment, no matter what their previous experience may be.

Do volunteers work shifts or have to commit to set schedules?

In the past, there was no requirement to work a set shift or set schedule. Starting in July 2019, the LRFC began requiring active Operational Members to participate in a rotating night shift program (unpaid), which could provide for the opportunity to work a paid day shift (8am-4:30pm) or 24-hour shift (8am-8am).

Do I have to respond every time there is a call?

No. We understand that our members have lives outside of the firehouse–families, jobs, school, etc. Most of our members who live within responding distance choose to respond when they know their community needs them and they are available.

Do I need to buy my own firefighting equipment?

LRFC issues complete personal protective equipment (PPE) for firefighting to our members, including boots, bunker gear, helmet, hood and gloves. The issued gear remains property of the fire company. Some members choose to purchase personal equipment such as leather fire helmets or to carry personal tools such as flashlights. This is permitted as long as the gear meets current recognized national standards and is in good condition.

Do you ride on the back of the trucks?

No, all firefighters ride inside the cab and are required to wear seatbelts while the vehicle is in motion.

Do you have a fire-pole?

No, our stations have bunk rooms on the same floor as the apparatus bay or on a separate floor with stairs to the apparatus bay, so we have no need for a fire pole.